
L´operador de telecom japonès NTT desplegara una nova estructura Ip a Tokyo. Aquesta nova xarxa utilitzara una arquitectura òptica digital per tal de donar serveis més extensos, flexibles i ràpits als proveïdors d´accés a Internet.

Aquesta arquitectura virtualitzara la banda passant per donar una capacitat mínime de 100 Gbits/s.


"The International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (ICNND) has released an unclassified report exploring the possibility of cyber terrorists launching nuclear weapons. Ominous exploits include unreliable early warning sensors, unsecure nuclear weapons storage, transportation blunders, breaches in the chain of command, and the use of Windows on nuclear submarines. A traditional large-scale terrorist attack, such as the 2008 Mumbai attacks, could be combined with computer network operations in an attempt to start a nuclear war. Amidst the confusion of the traditional attack, communications could be disrupted, false declarations of war could be issued on both sides, and early warning sensors could be spoofed. Adding to this is the short time frame in which a retaliatory nuclear response must be decided upon, in some cases as little as 15 minutes. The amount of firepower that could be unleashed in these 15 minutes would be equivalent to approximately 100,000 Hiroshima bombs."


El Windows 7, que es vendra entre 50 i 270€ estara disponible per els fabricants d´ordinadors a partir del 10 d´Agost.
" * Windows 7 Home Basic 199,95 dollars
* Windows 7 Home Premium 259,95 dollars
* Windows 7 Professional 299,95 dollars
* Windows 7 Ultimate 319,95 dollars"

La sortida oficial prevista per el 22 d´octubre, remplaçarà el fiasco del Vista.


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