les dades de 30.000.000 d'abonats...

Error puts data on 30 million German phone users on Internet (AFP)

BERLIN (AFP) - Confidential data on 30 million German phone users could be consulted on the Internet as a result of an error until the phone company locked access, a spokesman for Deutsche Telekom said Saturday.

Confirming a report in Monday's edition of the magazine Der Spiegel, the spokesman said on Thursday and Friday the company, Europe's leading telecommunications firm, had managed to secure the data -- including bank accounts -- relating to its clients.

The data had been accessible and easy to manipulate, he said. The company had no indication of a possible theft of the information.

The company Friday had presented a new security system without mentioning flaws in the past.

"We shall adopt a new policy" in respect of communication, the company said.

Deutsche Telekom admitted a week ago that it has lost confidential data belonging to 17 million T-mobile clients.

The theft, in 2006, which is now subject to a judicial inquiry, involved telephone numbers, dates of birth, addresses and email addresses, subsidiary T-Mobile said.

A spokesman said that bank details were not attached, and that "according to our information, even though these details have been put up for sale on the black market, there has not been a buyer."

He added that data security procedures had been reinforced since 2006.

Reports said that copies of the information continued to circulate.

*** Hauran contractat a la famosa auditora que treballa per l'STA?


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Ja se sap, mal de molts, consol de tontos.

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